Estados Unidos
Número Anuncio: 12285067
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 20-07-2019
Categoría:  Animales > Aves/Pájaros
Adorable Tamed,Cuddly Blue & Gold Macaw they are tamed, goes to everyone, doesn’t bite and doesn’t fly around causing havoc.Both loves sitting on her play stand all day and entertains everyone with her dancing and talking. they are peaceful bird, makes wonderful noises and sounds and says ‘hello’, ‘here we go’, ‘peek-a-boo’ amongst many others. they are still young and will learn much more if the right training is given. I want them to go to a loving home, someone with experience of handling these large parrots. I’m in no rush to sell, so please no time wasters and silly offers. Work relocation forces sale. Really sad to see them go! Please contact me if you wish to meet her. Leave a text if no answer. Happy to send more photos via WhatsApp. More photos will be uploaded soon.

Adorable TamedCuddly Blue & Gold Macaw they  - Imagen 1 Adorable TamedCuddly Blue & Gold Macaw they  - Imagen 2 Adorable TamedCuddly Blue & Gold Macaw they  - Imagen 3

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